




Officiant and/or Preacher

2 June

                  NO   SERVICE

9 June

Pentecost 2

150th Anniversary of first Services:

Service of Holy Eucharist

Led by The Rt Rev’d Ian Paton, Bishop of St Andrews at 11.30am.

Choral Evensong at 3.00pm with members of the  Gaelic Choir

16 June

Pentecost 3

Service of Holy Eucharist

 Rev’d Gavin Gilchrist

23 June

Pentecost 4

Service of Holy Eucharist

Rev’d Gavin Gilchrist

30 June

Pentecost 6

Service of Holy Eucharist

 Rev’d  Christine Readman


*Indicates Lay led service administered from Reserved Sacrament.

 Services at 11am except where stated otherwise.